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The temperature is coming down, the car with turbocharger should care car idling

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The temperature is coming down, the car with turbocharger should care car idling

Release date:2021-05-07 16:08 source:http://www.sdtturbo.com Click:

As new engine technology, there is high requirement for drivers on maintenance and using of turbocharger engine. The difference with nature air intake engine is that main shaft of turbocharger engine uses floating design, it is full with oil between bearing And shaft , the shaft relies on oil to lose heat and lubricate, so it is high requirement for oil stability.so turbocharger need to use total synthesis. Under normal circumstance, the stability of total synthesis is 3 times of common mineral,to ensure engine reducing friction and wear under high temperature and high speed. The low-grade oil will easy to damage engine. The space is very small between turbocharger shaft and journal, impurities will reduce oil lubricate ability,it will aggravate wear of turbocharger.The driver has to ensure oil and oil filter cleaning. In additional, driver should clean and replace air filter timely to avoid entering impurities to damade turbocharger blade.

Turbocharger is cooled down by oil, When switching on the engine , oil will reach normal lubricate temperature after stalling a while. Compared to traditional engine, turbocharger engine stalling owns more greater significance. It suggests drivers stall the engine 1 or 2 mins firstly , then to drive slowly after oil full lubrication in order to reduce friction. Currently Liaoning is going to Winter, the temperature is low in the morning , so it should extend time of stalling of turbocharger engine also. In additional, it suggests it can’t switch off the engine immediately when engine is under high working speed.The high working speed will aggravate engine friction if engine switches off immediately. So the drivers who drive turbocharger car need to stop the car under high working speed, it should use low speed to drive 3 or 4 mins before switching off the engine, then stalling 1 min 

In additional, if the drivers drive short journey , such as driving time is not enough 10 mins, the driver should try to drive with low speed to avoid engine friction as starting and switching off engine immediately.

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